Half Cup of Coffee, 我的半杯咖啡
reading, writing and enjoy coffee @ MI,US
x86 VT tech collection and understanding
A summary introduction of x86-64 Why Virtualization? CPU 的性能相比从前有很大的提升\,具备支持多个操作系统的资源 节约服务器部署空间(节约车内空间) 节约服务器部署成本(节约成本\,同样适用与车) 根据实际情况动态的性能迁移(dynamic resource management) Virtualization type Type 1 Small shim layer runs on hardware Create operating environment which guest OS can run. Resource assignment Type 2 A complete OS which with the ability to host another complete OS within a...
use debian tool set in android system
use debian tool set in android system see the picture for detail
Cache and TLB introduction
What is Cache ? See this description from ARM document: A cache is a small, fast block of memory that sits between the core and main memory. It holds copies of items in main memory. Accesses to the cache memory occur significantly faster than those to main memory. Whenever the...
VirtIO introduction
VirtIO introduction page Under construction
GPT table introduction
GPT table introduction MBR分区表: Master Boot Record,即硬盘主引导记录分区表,只支持容量在 2.1TB 以下的硬盘,超过2.1TB的硬盘只能管理2.1TB, 最多只支持4个主分区或三个主分区和一个扩展分区,扩展分区下可以有多个逻辑分区。 GPT分区表:GPT,全局唯一标识分区表(GUID Partition Table) 与MBR最大4个分区表项的限制相比,GPT对分区数量没有限制,但Windows最大仅支持128个GPT分区,GPT可管理硬盘大小达到了18EB。 只有基于UEFI平台的主板才支持GPT分区引导启动。 详细的分区格式: extension read: UEFI boot