About Light
From the moment he said, ‘Let there be light,’ he created this world.
In modern society, with advanced technology, humans can easily obtain light, which seems ordinary and commonplace.
You can light a piece of paper or turn on a light bulb to get light.
It gives us the feeling that what he created is easily accessible to us.
However, the reality is not so simple. The source of all energy on our planet is in the form of light, and that is the sun.
Without the sun, life on Earth would not be possible. There would be no seasons, no suitable temperature, and no diverse organisms.
The sun is the source of all energy.
Behind the simple sentence in the book, there may be the fact that he placed a sun there.
从他说这世界要有光开始, 他创造了这个世界。
现代社会的科技水平人类非常容易的获得光, 这是一个非常普通和平常的东西。 你点燃一张纸, 或者你打开电灯, 你都可以获得光。 给人的感觉是他所创造的我们可以轻松获得了。
我们所在星球的所有能量的来源都是以光的形式给与的。 那就是太阳。 没有太阳,地球的生命就无法生存, 就没有一年四季, 更不会有适宜的温度和多样的生物。太阳是一切能量的源泉。
而书上简简单单的一句话, 可能背后就是他放了一个太阳在那。
所以我们认为的高科技,其实是对已经存在规律的发现和运用而已, 他们一个一个的影藏在盒子里等待人类去发现, 去使用, 从最早的火开始,到现在的人工智能都是如此。